Coral Beach Hotel
Aqaba, Jordan. 2002. 17000 square meter.
A boutique five-star hotel in Aqaba, Jordan, comprising of 100 guest rooms, 6 VIP rooms, 2 prince suites and one opulent and lavish royal suite.
A sea fortress image and an environmentally friendly structure prevail, designed with strict geometrical layout yet playful lines are used to reflect the traditional planning of the hotel yet with very modern functional uses., with a well incorporated geometrical garden the continues the structure lines.
A grand entry statement, all rooms face the sea, all public facilities have easy access to the landscaped gardens and an elegant looking structure prevail
The podium house all back of house services and a multi-purpose hall is introduced. on top of which limited parking spaces, entrance porch and landscaped foreground gardens are located and accessed by twin vehicular ramps and a grand stair, the top level of the podium to provide dramatic entry approach through the elevated lobbies allowing an uninterrupted view to the sea upon entering the hotel.
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